Sunday, December 20, 2009

having a 2nd month anniversary

guess what! today is 20.12.09.
you guys maybe are asking what happens today..
today is my 2nd month being with adit :D
oh how much i loved being loved by him,
he's loyal,cute,friendly,lovable,and spontaneous!
i would love to celebrate today with him,but i cant..
and he cant either. we're in a diffrent side of jakarta..
haha,well yeah,thats not a thing that can bring our relationship down. so ,i love him like i loved my bestfriends and my family,although different MEANINGS. haha i just CANT tell how much i loved enjoying today with him,and thanks for all your love of being by my side even thou you are not beside me. thanks for having my back,haha thanks for believing me, thanks a-lot for everything! i hoped today will lasts, i hoped we lasted forever :)
its nice having you,being yours,i know how much you are needed here in my life,
even if there'll be days without you,you're still here,yes, and this words have not yet describe everything,this was not even half of the things i wanted to tell you,its one to the hundreds!haha okay,portion? its not important now. what important now is that i loved you so much, a whole heart,and im sure no one can made me feel the same way as i did now,with you,adit ;)
i loved you so much,and i hoped you get that right back at me,HAPPY 2 MONTH ANNIVERSARY!

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