Saturday, December 19, 2009

eaw goeey

today? fun? hm yeah,bad? a little,bored? yeep!
okay,it all started this morning
i waked up screaming and looking for my boyf! haha
its weird,yeah,but its cool! hahah i waked up,and cried looking for someone, like yelling 'AA where is adit aa' HAHAHA that was funny,though its also cool.
okay then i continue with taking shower and getting myself ready to go hangoout with the old folks -which is my parents- and my brother,we were supposed to go to pim,but we got our selfs goin to pejaten village. ehm yeah karena skr tgl 19,depan gang rumah gue tuh isinya BAZAR semua,zz gua jalan dari depan sana ampe ke circle K,lebih malahan ckck mana itu panas bgt lagi ergh. kepala ade gua aja pas gua pegang tuh ampe tangan gua rasanya ke panggang hahaha! and so,kita ga bisa naik mobil ndiri,akhirnya lanjut pake taxi.. and yeah we arrived at pejaten village. buy ticket for the movie,eat lunch,and blahblahblah.
imissadit so much! di bioskop gua pusing bgt,gatau deh ya kenapa,mungkin karena ga sengaja keju nachosnya kena rambut?lol! ATAU terlalu kangen sama adit? ngga mungkin lah ckck emgnya adit penyakit -.-,terus ya filmnya kita nonton AVATAR,sumpah filmnya keren abis. it was so terrific! cant imagine it,all the peoples out there,if you guys haven't watch avatar,you should! its so daamn cool! and so yeah, it started on 6 or 7 p.m i think,and it finished about 21 p.m or less..(nine). after that,we headed home.. and i still got this headache,its hurting me so much -.-and we got home by taxi, and we still have to continue walking... the way is blocked by bunch of people that runs a mini shop. and i have to go in the front to make some way,or at least, show the way haaha. there's so much guys,em they're weird,alaay lebay gitu soksok manggil,cih i really wanted to slap them on their face,or at least, call them names hahaha. and so yeah.. got home in about 11 p.m,go straight to the bathroom to take a shower and gettin ready to sleep,even thou i dont really go to sleep haha. and here i go, writing the whole thing in my blog,haha.
have fun readers,God Bless you guys :D

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