Sunday, November 15, 2009

kissess ;)

okaay.. gua ga ada topik deh buat blog kali ini,
so lets just go randomly ;D
guaa tadi pagi latihan basket dari jam 8 sampe jam 3 siang,
gua plg naik taxi ke cts di jemput nyokap, trus nyokap gua ama temennya kaya mau makaan gitu yaudah deh makan.. pas plg dari cts gua pusing gtu -.-
ampe skr juga masih pusing,sakiiittt bgt sumpah!
ngga lagi deh gua lainkali main di ujan atau gerimis2an hahahahaha
gua lagi ga fit,jadi kalo besok emang makin parah,gua mungkin ga sekolah,
and palingan di rumah doang istirahat gtuu.

btw,today,15 nov,
Nadhiaaa's birthdaaay :D
wished you all the best from the start till the end,
wished you got all your wishes,
hope that every joy will ssoon come to you
wished you health for everyday activity, every luck that comes your way

hug,and kisses ,
dindaa meylindaa

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