Saturday, March 13, 2010


seru deh ya hari ini. gua ke pim bareng ireeeene hehe, pertamanya sih bareng bonyok, makan sushi tei dong, sebenarnya pas gua makan itu gua ga bilang sama iren kalo gua udah di pim HAHAHAHA SORRY BABE! terus ya gue bilang aja gue dijalan lah apa lah bullshit gitu haham pasti kalo tuh anak baca blog ini ngakak deh, peace ya ;)
terus kita jalan2 gitu,cari pilox tapi mahal banget jadinya ga jadi beli deh dia haha. kita skip soccer club hari ini heheee have fun guys! so, seharusnya gua nella paige irene ke pim cuma paige ga bisa, nella gabales sms yaudah deh hehe, gua sama ireneee doang, we have fun! kita abis cari pilox lgs ke food court, temenin si rakus satu makan (irene) peace dude! teruus kita bolak balik pim1-pim2, eh ketemu mantannya irene anak bis haha he's hot ireneee ck,poor you. then we started complaining because there's no hot guys (?) ckck so yeah, and we take picturess! we drink smirnoff ice 4.5% and then we continued to walk around, i bought lipbalm from body shop but i didnt bought the eyeliner huhuhu.then, i got home at 6,chat with friends,got angry at keviin! haha but we got it all work again. we chat till we drop dead, im still chatting with him thou, we're chatting about songs and some other stuff. he made a dong fooor me (i think) haha so sweet ya? LOOVE YA KEV! THANKS -jangan geer lu.
mighty love ;)


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