Saturday, October 31, 2009

i cried

i am stupid.
i really am.
i cant hold a thing that i have.
i cant hold my feeling just for a while.
i trust people easily.
i hate what i am and what i have now.
i hate people when they say they love me but then they leave me.

i thought you were here for me,really are ment to be with me,
but this moment,i tell to you,i am crying,
i saw your chat log with her,love can really hurt people so much,
yeah,sure,she's your friend. yeah you help her when she's sick,and yeah..
you feed her,i think you're somethin' important to her and i know you know
that too.

i do not know what happened,its all up to you,
but you have to know,i cried for it,
i know im stupid,and too emotional,im sorry,i just cant be all perfect

adit,aku ga sengaja liat chatlog kamu sama tiara..
ini salah paham,aku tau,tp aku ga bisa tahan rasa sedihnya

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