Thursday, February 25, 2010

haaands up guys

well,okay lets see...
peoples know now what you really does.
they know now that you really is acting like a bitch with nothing on.
fvck, dont ever try to mock my friend from your twitter. you know? people hated me for me, but they forgive me cause i am being such a jerk around them,and i apologized.
but you? PUUUUH-LEASE! you dont even said a single sorry, you mock them more and you called them a bitch. hellooooo whores,yall have to think what you guys done that makes so many people hated you,you. you have to friggin stop saying bad things about them! cause the point is that, its your fault not theirs, so f-off whores. ya guys! if you all wanna deal with me, talk in front of my face. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YA TO SAY IT IN FRONT OF MY FACE LIKE, FOOOOR-EVER!

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