Wednesday, February 17, 2010

loviiin it!

heyoo readers!
I'VE REACHED MY FREAKIN GOAAL! haha im so happy that i got into AIS, seriously, its better than PIGS. but not for all, just better qualities, for the teachers and all is fine,mostly the samee thou hehe :3
i do ECA's, i do soccer and basket, its all due on wednesday,so yeah i have to swap ECA's every week haha, i thought soccer was on Thursday -_____- and so yeah i just have to deal with the timing. i have fun thouuuu! i got out last friday night with my friends.we usually go to LB to have dinner and meet up with friends from other school :D
and i got this soccer club at BIS,Bintaro for every tuesday, thursday and sunday with belovedz girl frieeend Irene :D
theres only two freakin girls in the soccer club-me,irene-there's someother, 2 more,but irene said that they're from Bandung so they only came on sunday (suckkk) haha so yeah. bythewaay theres a cute guy named Shawn in the soccer club! dude!!his hair is so freakin cool haha,but i dont like him, his just cute haha. so yeah,im planning to go to pim straight away from school this friday,and then maybe i can go sleepover at Paige's house haha i cant waaait!
so,have fun reading my blog posts again guys,

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