Sunday, August 16, 2009

happy sunday

hey,today was a blaaaasst!
i was with my mom A WHOLE DAY!
well,still,first i thought that it would be really ver bored hanging out with my mom,
but not today.. we really are having fuun!

this morning,me and my mom goes to ITC (Fatmawati)
to shop for groceries at the market,but we take our first step to salon
hehe,i've got my hair done... (blowed)
after that,then we got ourselfs to the grocery storeee,
after all that morning we continued to hang out..
but we got home first,until,umm..about 7,we planned to go to the mall and get ourself's some stuff :D so yes,we did go to the mall,we go to PIM and we shopp hahaha
i buy somee shoes,just shoes,cause' im not really intrested on those things,its all cute,
but,im just not that in to it :P
and so,alwayss,everytime i go to PIM,i buyed HOPHOP! man,its so delicious
my favorit favor is chocotaro with extra bubble's :)
its the best! hahaha,i love hophop! and bytheway.. we eat dinner,and i meet my old friend nadhia :) she must be surprised seeing me with my new hair hahaha!
hey! want to know what! i see a boy walking,and he's mind is blank (thats what i thought)
and when he walks,he hit a thing.. and he stood there silently,and for a few second,BANG! he just noticed that he hit something! HAHAHAHAHAHA! it was so funny! i laugh with my mom HAHAHA!
and thats all i have for today hahaahaa,goodnight :)

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