todayy is a special day for my friend,cause' today is her birthday..
me and the others are planning to throw her a flour after school,
and so we did it :)
hahaha,it waas just so funny! thats a picture of me and her with her new make up :)
which is made of flour and a cake HAHAHA!
man its so funny!
want to know what? because im the one that put the flur on her head,
i've get some of it too! look at my uniform haha its full of it -.- and my hands and so my face hahahaha,but its funn :D
very fun indeed,hehe,but yet,you dont know,that after shee got all those things,she hugs me!
man,am I so lucky? HAHHAHA
to my dearest friend,Lauren..
happy birthday,girl! hope you've got all the things you wanted all this years!
hope you'll be always inn ourr minds,hope you'll be blessed for
all the things you've done good :)
even thou i owe you some of my faults, please receive this birthday wishes
that comes out,rite from my heart..
May God blessed you, making you more wise,
and always in the rite dirrection,
im sorry if i've ever had done many faults to you,
please forgive,cause today,i really had a BLAST of fun with you :D
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