Tuesday, May 18, 2010

bigger than an airplane crash!

man,you guys must be wonderin what is it that im goin to write lol, so its about my birthday!IT WAS A BLAST,EVERYONE IS EFFIN HAWT.
so, the tittle is 'SMALL POOL BIRTHDAY PARTY' yep.small. but it turns out to be big! haha i invited over 30 people,wootwoot! most of them came, there are 30person total who came. well not really sure thou haha, but serious, its a lot! some came earlier, and some came late, it was supposed to be at 1, but then people came at about 12 haha, it is so crowded!and then there's an accident happened between my dog and my friend,man!it so sad,someone have to go to the hospital. :{ so yeah, peopleee then started arriving at my house, so we went for a swim, while waiting my friend to get back from the hospital, i am so freakin scared cause the incident happened whn she was with me!and everyone was shocked&surprised. so anyways, then when she caaame, we all have just finished swimming,but i tell them that i will swim again& i want them to come, and they agree much:D
after the whole damn drama thing, my aunt takes out the cake and my friends all sang for me, i was like a question mark, cause i dont know what to do HAHA,stupid?yeah. i blew the fire on the candle already so peps all gathered around and my aunt started cutting it for me, thankyouu auntie!:*
and then we all plays around, some play with the pool, some play in my room, some play on the computer taking pictures and stuff, and some are just chatting downstairs and watching tv haha. it was a blaaaaast!
NOT FORGET TO MENTION ABOUT THE SURPRISE MY FRIEND HAVE HAD FOR MEE! im gonna write about it all on another post with pictures too, kissskiss!xoxo

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