Tuesday, September 15, 2009


HAHAHA,i know you're gonna lau gh after you read my blog today haha.
cause its a real joke,and its gonna make your stomach go round and round! hahaha
let me tell you the story,
today was a normal day,nothing new at school,and nothing interesting..
after school,my mom wants to go to citos,but i suggested to go to PIM,
we arrived there,and watch 'The Final Destination 4' in 3d..
its not really good,its just cruel..i thought me and my mom will be scared,
but we LAUGH haahhahaa -.-
when the movie is finish,we go to the sushi groove to eat,but there's no food,cause'
people is fasting,and theres so much people that want to eat haha,rite.
yeah we wait,but then we get tired and we go around pim1,
after that,we go back to sushi groove and we finally got placee :D
me and my mom ordered some sushi,and when my mom eats salmon sushi or something
she eats he meat first,but the meat is a little bit sticky but she didnt notice! she tried to eat it all,
but the meat cant be divided,so she eat it and she laughed HAHAHA,so i laugh too,hahaha
wished i can take a picture of it HAHAHA,its hilarioussss HAHAHA,and so,the 2 women besides us is looking at her,and then she looks at me,im laughing so loud haha i think so,hahaha!
can you imagine that? the meat you eat is big and you cant divide it? HAHAHA


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