once a love has been build between us,
its a one way to recognize,
one that touches our heart and made us fell deeply blind when we're falling for them
believe is all we need, no need to worry
when you guys were in a long-distance relationship, everything will be just fine,
as long as you did the best to trust them.
cause what love need is a loyalty, respect, and also somehow a true feeling.
it may make you think its weird, but once you got this feeling, you wont think as you think to get the answer for math question, you'll walk straight without looking sides, walking straight and walked in a really bright day with a light in front of your steps
Maybe you guys wont believe this,
but all i wrote before,it was my idea,
i got the idea from my life, inspiration, friends,other couples,
even my boyfriend :D
and so on,i wanted to tell you guys.. today is my 1 month
anniverssarrry with him, ilovehim so much!
not even words,thousands of them, can describe what i was feeling rite now.
i wish he could be in me,and see whats in there,
cause all i think now is him,
hahahahaha....aku terharuu ^^...