Sunday, November 29, 2009

today,tomorrow,and the day i've waited for :)

TODAY was a boring day.
yeah i've been through much boring days,
well at least this one is not the worst :)
cause today is a holiday, i've been in my home all day -.-
boring is it? i know! but atleast i have dvd's,tv,my phone, and a komputerr :D
TOMORROW is monday,
and monday? ah man,i really hate monday
its the beggining of the week, all the 'HAPPY MONDAY' thing
and a-lot things to do in school,such as assembly's,
announcement, and maybe the teacher will announce about exam's week,
which IS not a good news.
I CANT WAIT till the 20th of December, cause its my anniversary with Adit,
2 months :D it will be a blasssttt! and on the 27, its David's birthday,
of course my friend hahahaha,
he's kind to me ,well we sometime get annoyed hahahahhaa.
and when there's Christmass, i wanted something, umm,
what do you think? lomo, or a telescope?
i think it would be better a lomo,dont ya' think? haha well lets just see
what Santa will give me :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

embarrassingly funtastic :D

hari ini gua ketemuan gituu kan ama temen guaa,
steph,luna,nia,david,julio gtu..
nah luna nia steph telaaat,trus david sama gua brgan -.-
akhirnya kita ntn 2012,
steph nia luna ntn new moon,tp baruu stghnya gtu si Luna keluaar ketemu pacarnyaa,JULIO. guaa akhirnya stlh ntn jalan deh tuh haha seruu loh, eh ada lagi

my embarrassing moment,
kaaan gua lg mau mulai ntn film 2012 tuh,kan lagi iklaan gajelas,ngebosenin gtuu
tb2 ada iklan nih satu, ceritanya ttg 2 ceweee, mrk kan berdiri depan pintu gt,
nah cewe yg satu yg di blkg pntunya blg ke cewe satunya lagi
'eeh temenin guaa ke toilet dong' trus yg satunya lagi blg 'yah masa lo ke toilet doang perlu di temnin sih' eh tb2 pintunya kebuka,trus kea ada setannya gitu hahaha,gua kageet! reflex ke kanan sambil tutup mata,kaki naik,dan triak blg 'ANJIIIING!' gituu HAHAHA
sumpah ya malu2in abiss,kea um adaa cewe2 gtu ngetawain hahahaa,but its fine, it was just for funn. trus tiap kali gua inget itu gua ketawa ndiri gtu astaga hahaha :D

i love todaay,
dinda meylinda :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009


okay todaayyy , we're all out of luck -.-
the reason i said that is, we lost the game,
i cant go to pim to meet my old friend,
my mom is mad at me because of the thing that i go home late,
imiss my boyfriend so much,
and last,BUT not least... i cant go to pl fair either :'(
man, i let people down so many times,
oh God, pleaseeeeeee
and i really wanted to go to pim and pl fair,at least one of theeem!
but i cant, my mom is angry and how can i asked her to drop me there -.-
well, she's normal now, but she still wont let me go to pim nor pl fair :'(
im so so so sorry to all the people that has invited me to their event,im sorry
that i cant come, i hope you guys all understands, thanks guys, im so sorry

Friday, November 20, 2009



once a love has been build between us,
its a one way to recognize,
one that touches our heart and made us fell deeply blind when we're falling for them

believe is all we need, no need to worry
when you guys were in a long-distance relationship, everything will be just fine,
as long as you did the best to trust them.
cause what love need is a loyalty, respect, and also somehow a true feeling.

it may make you think its weird, but once you got this feeling, you wont think as you think to get the answer for math question, you'll walk straight without looking sides, walking straight and walked in a really bright day with a light in front of your steps

Maybe you guys wont believe this,
but all i wrote before,it was my idea,
i got the idea from my life, inspiration, friends,other couples,
even my boyfriend :D
and so on,i wanted to tell you guys.. today is my 1 month
anniverssarrry with him, ilovehim so much!
not even words,thousands of them, can describe what i was feeling rite now.
i wish he could be in me,and see whats in there,
cause all i think now is him,

Thursday, November 19, 2009

major bored 1

okay,im bored haha thats what the title says -.-

bored, im repeating the title, stupid

i AM bored, again

bored to the maaaax here, pepollss

BORED, a perfect word that describe everything about todaaay :)

its still somewhere,somewhere inside my school,damn!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


ooh damn -.-
know what? i forgot the place where i put my diary!
i hope nobody reads it.
but as you see,haha when i asked my senior,
he said 'well yeah i 've seen your diary, the one with pictures.. and my friend read it all, from page one till the end' MAAN,AM I SO SHOCKED!
well that guy 'anonymous' told me everything.. well im glad that only one person read my diary haha at least that person was a boy,he told me that there's 3 places that somehow my diary is placed hahahah and the options isssss: library, grade 7 class, and maybe entrepreneur class.

GOD! pleaseee,i'd beg, pleaseeee let me find my diary back, and hopefully no one, well except that person, reads my diarrryy! pleasepleasepleaseee ;'(

dear,God,please help me,

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

tell me

haha, munafik? lo
ngocol,sewot? lo
kelakuan kaya noordin m top? lo
sok eksis? lo
sok gaul? lo
sok punya banyaaak temen? lo bangettt

eh nyadar dong ya temen gua ga cuma satu sekolah kok :)
gua tau ank sekolah lain haha ga kaya lo cuma bolak balik lembaran buku lo yg tulisannya nama temen lo,tp liat dong temen lo palingan cuma itu itu aja haha
eh gua juga ga nyangka loh loh kalo org yg alim bgt ya yg dulu gua percaya dulu gua bela kea gini haha mikir deh,knp lo bisa brtm ama gua? ckck ga ada alasan bgt kan.
eh udah deh ya cape gua hahaha
so tomorroow's plaan :
* im going to buy PL fair pre-sale ticket :)
* im goin to go to a basket court and taught steph how to do lay up and thingy
*probably,do some school work's and etc..

my goal tomorrow is to be patient haha and hopefully i'll be much more careful,
yepp,and thats all for todaaay guys.. see ya' soon :D

best wishes,

Monday, November 16, 2009

ihatebeingsick -.-

oke deh ya,gua hari ini sakit -.-
sebenarnya sih udah dari kemarin cuma skr tambah parah
ternyata asma gua kambuh gituuu trus guanya juga nakal sih ya,gamau minum obat dari kemariin hahahhahaha tp akhirnya udah ko :)
gua hari ini otpan ama cowoo gua lagi wiih senanngnya (lebay)
gua juga ga masuk sekolah hari ini,gua cape bgt
gua tadinya mau maksain sekolah kan,cuma gua mikir aja kalo
gua maksain masuk sekolah,kapan gua mau sembuhnya kan(?)
ckckck,so yaudah deh gua di rumah cuma tidur,nonton,tidur dengerin lagu smsan
udaaaah gitu doang,bosen bgt deh rasanya mau tidur aja slamanya hahahaa
gua pengen bgt msk seklah kan,tapi gua aja naikin tangga rumah gua yg cuma 10-12 step ajaa pas sampe atas langsung ngosngosan ga bisa nafaas gitu -.- apalagi yg di sekolah 3kali lipatnya tangga rumah gua kan hahaha,well somehow, gua ngerasa lebih lega stlh minum obat dan istirahat bbrp kali, THANK GOD ;)
gua juga makasih buaat Adit , David sama yang lainnya karena udah peduli and ngehiburr gua :D

Sunday, November 15, 2009

kissess ;)

okaay.. gua ga ada topik deh buat blog kali ini,
so lets just go randomly ;D
guaa tadi pagi latihan basket dari jam 8 sampe jam 3 siang,
gua plg naik taxi ke cts di jemput nyokap, trus nyokap gua ama temennya kaya mau makaan gitu yaudah deh makan.. pas plg dari cts gua pusing gtu -.-
ampe skr juga masih pusing,sakiiittt bgt sumpah!
ngga lagi deh gua lainkali main di ujan atau gerimis2an hahahahaha
gua lagi ga fit,jadi kalo besok emang makin parah,gua mungkin ga sekolah,
and palingan di rumah doang istirahat gtuu.

btw,today,15 nov,
Nadhiaaa's birthdaaay :D
wished you all the best from the start till the end,
wished you got all your wishes,
hope that every joy will ssoon come to you
wished you health for everyday activity, every luck that comes your way

hug,and kisses ,
dindaa meylindaa

Thursday, November 12, 2009

best thing about my life :)

"Two lives, two hearts joined together in friendship united forever in love."

a friend lives in us,they knew everything that we do, every little pieces that break us down never break our friendship, cause' Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Others stay awhile, make footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same.
Never shall I forget the times I spent with you.continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours.

when time has passed us, all those times, times where it becomes a memory, and memory became our history, its the best thing
i've ever known!
even in the darkest day ever,in my worst nightmare, in the day i cried lots of tears and burned my heart alive, you're all there.. not only makin' me stronger, but you guys also supports me, even live's hard, you guys showed me ho to deal with it, and now,i can feel all the loneliness,all the crying and the temper running out of my head, and now im feeling much,much better,and for the first time that i felt so alive :)

'Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious.'

with lots of love,
Dinda Meylinda (:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

dont you dare (:

Dark clouds moving in,
just one fall of rain
could wash away,
wash away the pain.

Just one ray of sun,
to warm my skin,
and rid me from the
cold your drowning in.

I could say that I don't care,
but the truth is i'd follow you anywhere.
I've been waiting such a long, long time,
don't you dare change your mind.

It seems so close to me,
but still beyond my reach.
Calling me,
and playing hide and seek.

Look behind that door,
I'm the one you've been searching for,
and i'm not a little girl anymore.

I could say that I don't care,
but the thruth is I'd follow you anywhere.
I've been waitind such a long, long time,
dont you dare change your mind.

Don't wonder round
Looking for someone to replace me
Don't wonder round
Waisting the rest of your life
Don't wonder round
Waiting for someone else to save you
And don't you make the same mistake twice

I could say that I don't care,
but the thruth is I'd follow you anywhere.
I've been waiting such a long, long time,
don't you dare change your mind.

I could say that I dont care,
but the thruth is I'd follow you anywhere.
I've been waiting such a long, long time,
dont you dare change your mind

Dont change your mind.

Dont change you mind.

Monday, November 9, 2009


hahaha siapa bilang nama lo fuck L-N?
emang sih,keraskepala sm bacot haha,
untung guaa ga sejahat dulu yea,serah guaa mau ngatain lewat manaa, depan muka lo gua juga berani ko haha belum setega itu lagi sih gua. masih untung ye di sekolah gua bisa sabaar, gua sih cuma kesel,ampe gua bener2 benci, liat aja ya apa yg bakal gua lakuin haha semoga sih ga sampe gitu yea.oh iya FUCK L-N itu panggilan khusus ko dari guaa,samasama :)

and,so, todaay..
hm apa ya hahahaa ga tau -.- lagi ga adaa ide mau tulis apaa di blog hahaha, well have a good day peopleess :D

Thursday, November 5, 2009


okay, today was like,damn fun! HAHA
school's got out early cause the lights were off (im so happy for it)
and then my bestfriend haha i think.
stephanie,goes to my house and play haha,
we swim,and play cards..
and at the last! we ask for our fortune,ans so much,about BOYS!
hahahaha, the fortune teller is,um its a secret hehe..
and so on,we know what it tells,but we still confused :)
andd at 5 or 5.30,steph's ready to get goin'..
and so there it is,a super duper fun dayyy :D

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

hard to believe.

hi-hi guuyss,
we met again :)
it has been a weird day thou,
but everythin' seems to change.. life,times,peoples
i cant believe i hate that girl,im still wondering..
i know why im angry at her,but i havent got any reason to hate her,
and i wont,i tried not to thou.

hey you,you've change a-lot this past days,
you've been acting weird,not the weird i like,
not the weirdo you used to be,
and you did something that made me angry,of course.
but who cares,i still believe in you,
and,well,i hope it gets better every day :)
dont know what happend to you, but i'll mind my own bussinesss,
hope you get back to who you are beforee!
fun, weird, random, funny, and so fun to be withh,missyousomuch girl :)

Monday, November 2, 2009

a run-around mess

ihateadit :''(

iya deh aku salah.
you said that you didnt like her,
you said she didnt like you like she did last time,
but look.. you've said it yourself!
i know you didnt tell me that,but i saw your chat log (as i said)
you said that.. she only wants to eat if the one she likes feed her,
i know you lieeeed! ihateyouadittt:'(
so,why did you do thaaat?
what for!?
why dont you just tell the truth?
im tired,kay,being stuck in a situation like this.
tired of makin' myself believe that everyone is loyal,
STOOOOP!!! i wanted it to stop! NOW!


please,check her websote on
thaaankss! she's a very incrediblee friend,she wrote about me theree,
if you pleased,just check 'about me' in that web,its amazing how she could
tell about me in public,she's a good friend of mine,
so dont mess with her! :D