i have this really fun story to tell ;)

so get your button up!cause imma tell you about this one of the most fun day at school! haha cant believe what im sayin ayt? but seriously, this is fun, and it is at school,my school :p
it is koala carnival day! in which that every homeroom from year7-12 will be having

their own games idea and themes.

my homeroom, grade 8j, are having a dunktank as the game and
DUNKSTAR for the themes, so we have to dress up like a star, good ayt?i got the idea for the theme.cant done it without the others thou ;D
here are the picts
we rocks! and the dunktank game, so a person will sit on the dunkseat, and there will be a spot where you can stand and right infront of you, about 3meters away, there will be a target we have to hit with a softball to make the person that seats on the dunkseat fell in to the water :D
my worst enemy,which is my math teacher is one of the person that will seat on the dunkseat WOOHOO!and guess what? he got dunked for loads of time haha,too bad the time ran out and its someone else's turn to seat there and got dunked! we agreed that the cost to try 3shots per game is 5thousandRupiah, quite cheap eyt?haha im loving it!MUAHAHA.BEST REVENGE EVER!